Meik Poschen
Senior Researcher & Certified Project Manager
e-Research, Research Data Management, User Engagement & Evaluation
2016-2017 Meik worked as Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at ‘Forschungsschwerpunkt DiTeS - Digitale Technologien und Soziale Dienste’ (Research Associate at Research Centre DiTeS - Digital Technologies and Social Services) at TH Köln (Technische Hochschule Köln - University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany).
Until 31 October 2013 he was employed as Research Associate at The University of Manchester (UoM) with the Manchester eResearch Centre (MeRC - at the time under since the centre's launch in October 2009, following its transition from the National Centre for e-Social Science Hub (NCeSS - at the time under where he worked as a researcher between January 2007 and September 2009. A social scientist by education, he has been working interdisciplinary since 1998, focussing on the fields of applied research of socio-technical systems, user & community engagement, evaluation, qualitative and mixed research methods, CSCW, Participatory Design, organisational analysis and Network/Virtual Organisations at the Fraunhofer Institute FIT and in the EU project InKoNetz at the University of Bonn. He graduated from the University of Bonn (Germany) with an M.A. (Magister Artium) in Sociology, Communication Science & Phonetics and Educational Science. In February 2006 he became a certified project manager.
His research interests and activities encompass adoption, use and evaluation of socio-technical systems and e-Infrastructures (i.e. new ICT, such as collaborative systems, Research Data Management Infrastructures, VRE, the Grid, and the scientific use of Web 2.0 & the Cloud) especially in research and higher education - and also eminently their emergence in traditionally more 'non-technical' disciplines like social sciences, arts and humanities - as well as broadly looking into e-Research (e-Science; e-Social Science) endeavours and their development & impact worldwide.
At NCeSS in 2007 he conducted the first phase of the user-centered summative evaluation of a repository/data archive prototype system in the JISC/CURL-funded StORe project (see phase one final report) and worked in the EU project AVROSS, exploring the uptake of e-infrastructure especially in social sciences and humanities (see AVROSS final report). Further he was looking into researchers' efforts in using, building and mapping ontologies and related tools in different domains. In 2008 he completed the second phase of the StORe/UKDA-store evaluation (see phase two final report) and in 2009 the two-year JISC funded VRE phase 2 project CREW, being responsible for evaluation and eliciting user requirements and needs in the development of a web-based VRE making use of Access Grid tools to support collaborative research events (see JISCmedia video of CREW on YouTube). From November 2008 until July 2009 he was a researcher in the JISC e-Infrastructure programme Community Engagement and Support project eIUS (see website for outputs and final report). Furthermore he was involved in researching use as well as community building, development and management processes of the myExperiment VRE project since October 2007.
At MeRC he was part of the research team exploring "Use and Relevance of WEB 2.0 Resources for Researchers" in a Research Information Network (RIN) funded study (see website for overview and final report). Between April 2009 and March 2011 he was a Co-PI on the OneVRE project (JISC VRE3 programme) looking into application areas, user requirements and evaluation (OneVRE final report). From 2009 to 2012 he was acting as researcher and user engagement, outreach, requirements gathering and evaluation expert in the JISC Information Environment programme funded three year National e-Infrastructure for Social Simulation (NeISS) project, as well as in a related six month Digital Social Research (DSR) funded project on developing and running a social simulation pilot module for training (3S DSR project). [On NeISS see also the Software Sustainability Institute's (SSI) Case Study on 'Achieving unexpected goals from an ambitious social science project'.] Between September 2012 and February 2013 he was working on a JISC 'Digital infrastructure: Research programme' commissioned VRE Synthesis study of the JISC VRE programme with Rob Procter at MeRC, Rowan Wilson (and previously also Sander van der Waal) at OSS Watch and Ross Gardler at OpenDirective.
Research Data Management (RDM): Having been researcher, user liaison and user requirements & evaluation lead in the MaDAM (Manchester Data Acquisition & Management) project (JISC Managing Research Data programme) at University of Manchester between October 2009 and June 2011, he was reprising these roles in the 21 month successor project MiSS (MaDAM into Sustainable Service) since October 2011. See here for a more detailed account of user engagement, outreach and training activities in MiSS.
Based on MaDAM, MiSS and UoM initiatives the UoM RDM Service is running in a phased approach, starting with providing support and raising awareness from February 2013. The RDM Service & Guidance Website can be found here:
Jisc: From December 2011 to July 2013 Meik was one of three 'Evidence Gatherers' in the second phase of the JISC Managing Research Data Programme (JISCMRD02), together with Laura Molloy (HATII, University of Glasgow) and Jonathan Tedds (University of Leicester), liaising closely with Simon Hodson, the Programme Manager (Programme Manager's Blog). The aim of these newly introduced roles was to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange between the projects in the programme while identifying and disseminating themes, developments, trends and impact. The Evidence Gatherers and the JISCMRD Programme & Projects made lively use of blogs and Twitter (#JISCMRD).
Meik’s profile on Google Scholar Citations
- Journal Articles
- Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
- Conference Posters
- Thesis
- Book_Chapters
- Project_Reports_Documentation
- Workshop/Seminar/Event Presentations & Papers, MMU Guest Lectures
- Co-Organised Workshops/Seminars
- Molloy, L.; Hodson, S.; Poschen, M.; Tedds, J. (2013): Gathering Evidence of Benefits: A Structured Approach from the Jisc Managing Research Data Programme. International Journal of Digital Curation, 2013, Vol.8, No.2, pp.123-133. doi:10.2218/ijdc.v8i2.277 [available here]
- Turner, M.; Jones, M.; Poschen, M.; Procter, R.; Rowley, A.; Schiebeck, T. (2013): Secure data sharing across portals: experiences from OneVRE. Theme Issue ‘e-Science–towards the cloud: infrastructures, applications and research’ compiled and edited by Paul Townend, Jie Xu and Jim Austin. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 28 January 2013, Vol.371, No.1983 20120069, pp.tba. doi:10.1098/rsta.2012.0069 [available here]
- Poschen, M.; Finch, J.; Procter, R.; Goff, M.; McDerby, M.; Collins, S.; Besson, J.; Beard, L.; Grahame, T. (2012): Development of a Pilot Data Management Infrastructure for Biomedical Researchers at University of Manchester – Approach, Findings, Challenges and Outlook of the MaDAM Project. International Journal of Digital Curation, 2012, Vol.7, No.2, pp.110-122. doi:10.2218/ijdc.v7i2.234 [available here]
- Stewart, J.; Procter, R.; Williams, R.; Poschen, M. (2012): The role of academic publishers in shaping the development of Web 2.0 services for scholarly communication. New Media Society, published online 5 December 2012. doi:10.1177/1461444812465141 [available here]
- Procter, R.; Rouncefield, M.; Poschen, M.; Lin, Y.; Voss, A. (2011): Agile Project Management: A Case Study of a Virtual Research Environment Development Project. Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Volume 20, Number 3, 2011, pp.197-225. Online First™, 27 May 2011. doi:10.1007/s10606-011-9137-z [available here]
- Randall, D.; Procter, R.; Lin, Y.; Poschen, M.; Sharrock, W.; Stevens, R. (2011): Distributed ontology building as practical work. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Volume 69, Issue 4, April 2011, pp.220-233. Available online 8 January 2011. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2010.12.011 [available here]
- Procter, R.; Williams, R.; Stewart, J.; Poschen, M.; Snee, H.; Voss, A.; Asgari-Targhi, M. (2010): Adoption and Use of Web 2.0 in Scholarly Communications. Theme Issue 'e-Science: past, present and future II' compiled and edited by Paul Watson, Anne Trefethen and Elizabeth Vander Meer. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 13 September 2010, Vol.368, No.1926, pp.4039-4056. doi:10.1098/rsta.2010.0155 [available here]
NOTE: This publications was among the Top Ten 2010 most downloaded Philosophical Transactions A articles. - De Roure, D.; Goble, C.; Aleksejevs, S.; Bechhofer, S.; Bhagat, J.; Cruickshank, D.; Fisher, P.; Hull, D.; Michaelides, D.; Newman, D.; Procter, R.; Lin, Y.; Poschen, M. (2010): Towards Open Science: the myExperiment approach. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. Special Issue: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience from the Microsoft eScience Workshop. Volume 22, Issue 17, 10 December 2010, pp.2335–2353. First published online: 7 July 2010 (Early View). doi:10.1002/cpe.1601 [available here]
- Barjak, F.; Lane, J.; Poschen, M.; Procter, R.; Robinson, S.; Wiegand, G. (2010). e-Infrastructure Adoption in the Social Sciences and Humanities: Cross-national evidence from the AVROSS survey. Information, Communication & Society. Volume 13, Issue 5, August 2010, pp.635-651. First published on: 23 June 2010 (iFirst). doi:10.1080/13691180903095849 [available here]
- Barjak, F.; Lane, J.; Kertcher, Z.; Poschen, M.; Procter, R.; Robinson, S. (2009): Case Studies of e-Infrastructure Adoption. Social Science Computer Review, Vol.27, No.4, November 2009, pp.583-600. Originally published online April 8, 2009. doi:10.1177/0894439309332310 [available here]
- Molloy, L.; Hodson, S.; Poschen, M.; Tedds, J. (2013): Gathering Evidence of Benefits: a structured approach from the JISC Managing Research Data programme. 8th International Digital Curation Conference 2013, Mövenpick Hotel, Amsterdam City Centre, Amsterdam, NL, 14-16 January 2013. [available as revised article in the International Journal of Digital Curation 8(2)]
- Poschen, M.; Finch, J.; Procter, R.; Goff, M.; McDerby, M.; Collins, S.; Besson, J.; Beard, L.; Grahame, T. (2011): Development of a Pilot Data Management Infrastructure for Biomedical Researchers at University of Manchester – Approach, Findings, Challenges and Outlook of the MaDAM Project. 7th International Digital Curation Conference 2011, Bristol, 5-7 December 2011. [available as revised article in the International Journal of Digital Curation 7(2)] [presented (slides available here)]
- Schiebeck, T.; Poschen, M.; Rowley, A.; Turner, M. (2011): Creating a Secure Distribution Cross-Portlet System for Sharing Electronic Documents: Experiences from the OneVRE Virtual Research Environment Project. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2011, York, 26-29 September 2011.
- Poschen, M.; Goff, M.; Procter, R.; Halfpenny, P.; Beard, L.; Besson, J.; Collins, S.; Finch, J.; Grahame, T.; McDerby, M. (2010): User-Driven Development of a Pilot Data Management Infrastructure for Biomedical Researchers. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2010, Cardiff, 13-16 September 2010. [available here] [presented]
- Goff, M.; Poschen, M.; Procter, R.; Halfpenny, P.; Beard, L.; Besson, J.; Collins, S.; Finch, J.; Grahame, T.; McDerby, M. (2010): The implications of disciplinary practices for emerging modes of data sharing: a case study of Biomedical researchers. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2010, Cardiff, 13-16 September 2010. [available here]
- Poschen, M.; Schiebeck, T.; Turner, M.; Rowley, A. (2010): User Engagement and Requirements for Joining Portal based VRE through Access Grid Technologies. UK e-Science 2010 All Hands Meeting, Cardiff, 13-16 September 2010. [available here] [presented]
- Stewart, J.; Procter, R.; Poschen, M.; Williams, R. (2010): Academic publishers as innovation intermediaries in the development of Web2.0 for scholarly communication. UK e-Science 2010 All Hands Meeting, Cardiff, 13-16 September 2010. [available here]
- Collins, S.; Beard, L.; Besson, J.; Finch, J.; Goff, M.; Halfpenny, P.; Grahame, T.; McDerby, M.; Poschen, M.; Procter, R. (2010): Towards a generic research data management infrastructure. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2010, Cardiff, 13-16 September 2010. [available here]
- Procter, R.; Williams, R.; Stewart, J.; Poschen, M.; Snee, H.; Voss, A.; Asgari-Targhi, M. (2010): Adoption and Use of Web 2.0 in Scholarly Communications. EASST_010 Conference (European Association for the Study of Science and Technology), Trento, Italy, 2-4 September 2010.
- Schiebeck, T.; Poschen, M.; Rowley, A.; Turner, M. (2009): Joining Portal based VREs through Access Grid Technologies. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2009, Oxford, 7-9 December 2009.
- Procter, R.; Williams, R.; Stewart, J.; Poschen, M.; Snee, H.; Voss, A. (2009): Adoption and Use of Web 2.0 in Scholarly Communications. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2009, Oxford, 7-9 December 2009.
- Procter, R.; Poschen, M.; Lin, Y.; Goble, C.; De Roure, D. (2009): Issues for the Sharing and Re-Use of Scientific Workflows. Electronic Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on e-Social Science, Cologne, Germany, 24-26 June 2009. [presented]
- Randall, D.; Sharrock, W.; Procter, R.; Lin, Y.; Poschen, M., Griefenhagen, Ch.; Stevens, R. (2009): What about Sea Urchins? Collaborative ontology building among Bio-Informaticians. Electronic Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on e-Social Science, Cologne, Germany, 24-26 June 2009.
- Lin, Y.; Poschen, M.; Halfpenny, P; Procter, R. (2008): Research 2.0: Social Networking Sites for Scientists. 9th annual conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), Internet Research 9.0: Rethinking Community, Rethinking Place. Copenhagen, DK, 15-18 October 2008.
- Lin, Y.; Poschen, M.; Procter, R.; Kola J.; Job, D.; Harris, J.; Randall, D.; Sharrock, W.; Ure, J.; Lawrie, S.; Rector, A.; Goble, C. (2008): Ontology building as a social-technical process: a case study. Electronic Proceedings of The Oxford eResearch Conference 2008, Oxford, UK, 11-13 September 2008. [presented with Yuwei Lin]
- Barjak, F.; Lane, J.; Kertcher, Z.; Poschen, M.; Procter, R.; Robinson, S.; Wiegand, G. (2008): e-Infrastructure adoption in the social sciences and humanities: cross-national evidence. Electronic Proceedings of The Oxford eResearch Conference 2008, Oxford, UK, 11-13 September 2008.
- Lin, Y.; Poschen, M.; Procter, R.; Voss, A.; Goble, C.; Bhagat, J.; De Roure, D.; Cruickshank, D.; Rouncefield, M. (2008): Agile Software Development for e-Science. UK e-Science 2008 All Hands Meeting, Edinburgh, 8-11 September 2008. [presented with Yuwei Lin]
- Voss, A.; Procter, R.; Halfpenny, P.; Poschen, M.; Asgari-Targhi, M. (2008): Steps Towards Mapping e-Research and Measuring Impact. UK e-Science 2008 All Hands Meeting, Edinburgh, 8-11 September 2008.
- Poschen, M.; Daw, M.; Procter, R.; Turner, M.; Hanley, T.; Slack, R.; Hall, A.; Jones, M.; Jones, R.; Le Blanc, A.; Place, E.; Rogers, N.; Rowley, A.; Schiebeck, T.; Steer, D.; Williams, C. (2008): User-centered development of a Virtual Research Environment to support Collaborative Research Events. Electronic Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on e-Social Science, Manchester, UK, 18-20 June 2008. [download] [presented]
- Lin, Y.; Poschen, M.; Procter, R.; Voss, A.; Goble, C.; Bhagat, J.; De Roure, D.; Cruickshank, D.; Rouncefield, M. (2008): Agile Management: Strategies for Developing a Social Networking Site for Scientists. Electronic Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on e-Social Science, Manchester, UK, 18-20 June 2008.
- Barjak, F.; Lane, J.; Kertcher, Z.; Poschen, M.; Procter, R.; Robinson, S. (2008): Case Studies of e-Infrastructure Adoption. Electronic Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on e-Social Science, Manchester, UK, 18-20 June 2008.
- Barjak, F.; Wiegand, G.; Lane, J.; Kertcher, Z.; Poschen, M.; Procter, R.; Robinson, S. (2007): Accelerating Transition to Virtual Research Organization in Social Science (AVROSS): First Results from a Survey of e-Infrastructure Adopters. Electronic Proceedings of the Third International Conference on e-Social Science, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 7-9 October 2007.
- Daw, M.; Procter, R.; Hall, A.; Slack, R.; Turner, M.; Jones, M.; Poschen, M.; Rogers, N.; Williams, C. (2007): Enhancing the Value of Collaborative Research Events through Virtual Research Environments. Electronic Conference Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2007, Nottingham, UK, 10-13 Sept. 2007.
- Toerpel, B.; Poschen, M.; Budweg; S.; Voss, A.; Burtschick, H.-J. (2006): Creating Functionality from the Standpoint of the Subject - From the Objectification of Purposes in Artifacts to the Integration of Contributions in Spaces of Action. 29th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS 29), IRIS Association, Helsingoer, Denmark, 12-15 August 2006.
- Budweg, S.; Toerpel, B.; Burtschick, H.-J.; Pipek, V.; Poschen, M. (2006): Contributing to Functionality - The Case of a Network of Union Educators. 29th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS 29), IRIS Association, Helsingoer, Denmark, 12-15 August 2006.
- Poschen, Meik; Pankoke-Babatz, Uta (2005): Serious Games. In: Schaefer, L.; Raybourn, E.; Pankoke-Babatz, U.; Oldroyd, A. (Eds.) (2005): Computer Games and CSCW. What Can We Learn About Collaboration, Cooperation, and Community? Electronic Workshop Proceedings of the 9th ECSCW 2005 Conference, Paris, France, 18-22 September 2005, pp.61-66.
- Toerpel, Bettina; Poschen, Meik (2002): Improving Infrastructures by Transforming Narratives. In: Binder, Thomas; Gregory, Judith; Wagner, Ina (Eds.) (2002): Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference (PDC 2002), Malmoe, Sweden, 23-25 June 2002. CPSR, Palo Alto, CA, pp.248-253. [presented with Bettina Toerpel]
- Toerpel, B.; Budweg, S.; Mambrey, P.; Pankoke-Babatz, U., Poschen M., Tan, D. (2002): Zur Nutzung einer Kooperations-plattform: Befragung von Nutzenden des BSCW-Systems. In: Herczeg, Michael; Prinz, Wolfgang; Oberquelle, Horst (Eds.) (2002): Mensch & Computer 2002: Vom interaktiven Werkzeug zu kooperativen Arbeits- und Lernwelten. B. G. Teubner, Stuttgart, pp.407-408. [in German]
- Goff, M.; Poschen, M.; Procter, R.; Finch, J.; Collins, S.; McDerby, M.; Besson, J.; Grahame, T.; Beard, L. (2010): Understanding Research Practice & Enhancing Digital Curation in the Biomedical Domain: Requirements for the Participatory Development of a Pilot Data Management Infrastructure. Peer-Reviewed Conference Poster, 6th International Digital Curation Conference 2010, Chicago, 6-8 December 2010. [available here]
- Poschen, Meik (2005): Macht in Organisationen. Ein Vergleich der Systemtheorie Niklas Luhmanns mit der Mikropolitischen Theorie von Crozier & Friedberg. Bonn, 2005 (Bonn, Univ., M.A.-Arb., 2005). [in German; English title: Power in Organisations. A Comparison of Luhmann’s System Theory with Crozier’s and Friedberg’s Theory of Micropolitics.]
- Mambrey, P.; Pankoke-Babatz, U.; Budweg, S.; Poschen, M.; Toerpel, B. (2003): Vernetzte Handlungsraeume: Zur Ausgestaltung technisch unterstuetzter, verteilter Wissensarbeit. In: Herrmann, Thomas; Mambrey, Peter; Shire, Karin (Eds.) (2003): Wissensgenese, Wissensteilung und Wissensorganisation in der Arbeitspraxis. Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp.155-197. [in German]
- Rittenbruch, M.; Poschen, M.; Kahler, H.; Toerpel, B. (2001): Kooperationsunterstuetzung in einer teambasierten Virtuellen Organisation - Eine Langzeit-Fallstudie. In: Rohde, Markus; Rittenbruch, Markus; Wulf, Volker (Eds.): Auf dem Weg zur virtuellen Organisation - Fallstudien, Problembeschreibungen, Loesungskonzepte. Heidelberg: Springer, 2001, pp.55-78. [in German]
- Procter, R.; Poschen, M.; Wilson, R. (2013): VRE Synthesis and Evaluation Final Report. Project/Study commissioned by the JISC 'Digital infrastructure: Research programme'. [available here]
- Poschen, Meik (2013): MiSS RDM Benefits and Evidence Report. Includes Summary UoM RDM Service Website Statistics, June 23, 2013. Manchester, July 2013. [internal document]
- Poschen, M.; Procter, R.; Voss, A.; Birkin, M.; Malleson, N. (2012): Scoping and business models report. Developing Sustainability Pathways for Social Simulation Tools and Services. Coventry: University of Warwick. [Unpublished] [Permanent WRAP url]
- Poschen, Meik (2012): NeISS Community Scoping, Outreach & Impact Report. Manchester, Final Version, August 2012 & Minor Revisions, March 2013. [download]
- Poschen, Meik (2012): MiSS Baseline Requirements Report. Final Revision for Publication, Manchester, August 2012. [available here]
- Turner, Martin; Poschen, Meik (2012): One VRE to Join Them All. Final Report, Manchester, March 2012. [available here]
- Poschen, Meik (2011): MaDAM Evaluation Report. Final Version, Manchester, June 2011. [download]
- Poschen, Meik (2011): MaDAM JISC RDMI Business Case. MaDAM Project Document, Final Draft, Manchester, February 2011. [download]
- Poschen, Meik (2011): MaDAM JISC RDMI Benefits Case Study. MaDAM Project Document, Final Draft, Manchester, January 2011. [download]
- Poschen, Meik (2010): OneVRE: Baseline Requirements & User Stakeholder Feedback (User Requirements Study for the Current VRE and AG Technologies). Project Report, Final Version, July 2010. [available here]
- Research Information Network (2010): If you build it, will they come? How researchers perceive and use web 2.0. A report commissioned by the Research Information Network (RIN), published July 2010. [available here]
- Fraser, M.; Arguello Casteleiro, M.; Halfpenny, P.; Hanganu, G.; Poschen, M.; Procter, R.; Voss, A. (2009): eIUS: e-Infrastructure Use Case and Service Usage Models Project. Final Report. [available here]
- Poschen, Meik (2008): StORe: Phase Two Summative Evaluation Final Report. [available here]
- Barjak, F.; Wiegand, G.; Lane, J.; Kertcher, Z.; Poschen, M.; Procter, R.; Robinson, S.; Mentrup, A. (2007): Accelerating Transition to Virtual Research Organisation in Social Science (AVROSS). Final Report. [available here]
- Poschen, Meik; Slack, Roger S. (2007): StORe: Phase One Summative Evaluation Final Report. [available here]
- Poschen, Meik (2007): CREW User Requirements Report. Manchester, December 2007. [download]
- Pankoke-Babatz, U.; Penn, A.; Poschen, M.; Prinz, W.; Suchoki, M.; Toerpel, B. (2001): Evaluation of Tower Prototypes. Sankt Augustin, FHG-FIT: 30.
- Wehner, J.; Hoffmann, J.; Huettenhain, E.; Jobelius, S.; Kahler, H.; Rittenbruch, M.; Poschen, M.; Toerpel, B. (2001): Selbststaendigkeit in Netzwerkunternehmen. Ein anwendungsorientierter Leitfaden fuer Einzelpersonen und Kleinstunternehmen auf der Suche nach Kooperationsformen. Fraunhofer-AIS (Ed.), Sankt Augustin, 37 Pages. [in German]
- Beard, L.; McDerby, M.; Poschen, M. (2013): The MiSS Project: Putting the ‘Service’ into Research Data Management. Poster presented at the 'Jisc Managing Research Data Programme Workshop: Achievements, Challenges and Recommendations', Aston Business School, Birmingham, 25/26 March 2013. [available here]
- Poschen, Meik (2013): Towards a Research Data Management Service at University of Manchester. The MaDAM and MiSS Projects. Guest Lecture within the MA Library and Information Management Programme (Bob Glass) at Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, 13 March 2013. [download]
- Poschen, M. (2013): VRE Synthesis & Evaluation Study. Summary of Interviews/Results. Dissemination Workshop, JISC, London, 28 February 2013. [download]
- Beard, L.; McDerby, M.; Poschen, M. (2013): Putting the ‘Service’ into Research Data Management. Minute Madness and Poster Session, 8th International Digital Curation Conference 2013, Mövenpick Hotel, Amsterdam City Centre, Amsterdam, NL, 14-16 January 2013. [available here]
- Poschen, M. (2012): Devising an RDM (Service) Business Case: Experiences and Challenges from the MaDAM & MiSS Projects. Presentation at the JISCMRD ‘Research Data Management: Benefits and Evidence Workshop’ at the Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel, Bristol, 29/30 November 2012. [available here]
- Poschen, M. (2012): MiSS Project Update, Session 2A: Data Management Planning: developing good practice and providing effective support. Presentation at the JISC Managing Research Data Programme 2011-13 and DCC Institutional Engagements Progress Workshop 'Components of Institutional Research Data Services', NCL Conference Centre, Nottingham, 24/25 October 2012. [available here]
- McDerby, M.; Poschen, M.; Besson, J.; Haigh-Hutchinson, K.; Butler, P.; Pinning, R.; Blunden-Ellis, J.; Gibson, Ch.; Procter, R.; Beard, L. (2012): MiSS (MaDAM into Sustainable Service) at the University of Manchester. Updated poster presented at the JISC Managing Research Data Programme 2011-13 and DCC Institutional Engagements Progress Workshop 'Components of Institutional Research Data Services', NCL Conference Centre, Nottingham, 24/25 October 2012. [available here]
- Poschen, M. (2012): eDMP Integration in the MiSS Project. Talk at the JISCMRD Workshop on ‘Meeting (Disciplinary) Challenges in Research Data Management Planning’, London, 23 March 2012. [available here]
- Poschen, M. (2012): Delivering a Research Data Management Infrastructure at the University of Manchester: the MaDAM and MiSS Projects. Talk and Panel Session at the DCC Roadshow Northwest England, University of Salford, 20 March 2012. [available here]
- Poschen, M. (2012): The MiSS project: Delivering a Research Data Management Infrastructure at the University of Manchester. Talk at the Digital Technologies and Services (DTS) Group Meeting, John Rylands University Library (JRUL), Manchester, 16 February 2012. [available here]
- Poschen, M.; McDerby, M. (2012): The MiSS project: Delivering a Research Data Management Infrastructure at the University of Manchester. Talk at the Research and Learning Support Group, John Rylands University Library (JRUL), Manchester, 9 February 2012. [available here]
- McDerby, M.; Poschen, M.; Finch, J.; Procter, R.; Besson, J.; Butler, P.; Beard, L. (2011): MiSS (MaDAM into Sustainable Service) – Delivering a Research Data Management Infrastructure at the University of Manchester. Minute Madness and Poster Session, 7th International Digital Curation Conference 2011, Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel, Bristol, 5-7 December 2011. [available here]
- Poschen, Meik (2011): Identifying and Supporting Researcher Requirements, Supporting Researcher Needs, Evaluation. MaDAM and MiSS Projects. Thematic Parallel Session B, JISCMRD02 Launch Workshop], Nottingham, 1/2 December 2011. [available here]
- Poschen, Meik (2011): MaDAM Pilot Data Management Infrastructure for Biomedical Researchers at University of Manchester & Transition towards the Successor Project MiSS. Guest Lecture within the MA Library and Information Management Programme (Prof. Dick Hartley) at Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, 30 November 2011. [download]
- Poschen, Meik (2011): MaDAM Pilot Data Management Infrastructure & MiSS Transition Overview. Poster Session at the Knowledge Exchange (KE) Primary Research Data Workshop 'Research Data Management - Activities and Challenges', Bonn, Germany, 14/15 November 2011. [MaDAM post-project poster available here]
- Poschen, Meik (2011): MaDAM Pilot Data Management Infrastructure for Biomedical Researchers at University of Manchester. Guest Lecture at the Seminar on Digital Futures (Prof. Dick Hartley) within the MA Library and Information Management Programme at Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, 30 March 2011. [download]
- Poschen, Meik (2011): MaDAM Pilot Data Management Infrastructure for Biomedical Researchers at University of Manchester. Presentation at the 2nd Digital Curation Centre Regional Roadshow: Yorkshire – 'Institutional Challenges in the Data Decade', Sheffield, 1 March 2011. [available here]
- Poschen, Meik (2010): How to develop a Pilot Data Management Infrastructure for Biomedical Researchers: Approach, Findings and Challenges of the MaDAM project at University of Manchester. Presentation at the JRUL Second Annual Symposium 'The Scholarly Communication Landscape: Opportunities and challenges', Manchester Conference Centre, 30 November 2010. [available on slideshare]
- Poschen, Meik (2010): Developing a Pilot Data Management Infrastructure for Biomedical Researchers at University of Manchester: Approach, Findings and Challenges of the MaDAM project. Presentation at the PEKin workshop on Developing Data Management Expertise in Research, King's College London, 21 October 2010. [available here]
- Poschen, Meik (2009): Impact of Web 2.0 on Scholarly Communication. Presentation at the workshop on Scientific Writing and New Patterns of Scientific Communication, 5th International Conference on e-Social Science, Cologne, Germany, 24-26 June 2009. [available on slideshare]
- Voss, Alex; Poschen, Meik (2009): Use and relevance of web 2.0 resources for researchers. Presentation at the workshop on e-Research Community Engagement: evidence-based interventions to widen uptake, OeRC, Oxford, UK, 20 May 2009.
- Poschen, Meik (2008): Community Engagement Activities in the CREW VRE project. Presentation at the workshop on Fostering e-Infrastructure: from user-designer relations to community engagement, NeSC, Edinburgh, UK, 8-9 May 2008. [available here]
- Lin, Y.; Poschen, M.; Procter, R.; Voss, A.; Goble, C.; Bhagat, J.; De Roure, D.; Cruickshank, D.; Rouncefield, M. (2008): Agile Management: Strategies for Developing a Social Networking Site for Scientists. Workshop paper for the OeRC Workshop on Managing for Usability: Challenges and Opportunities for E-Science Project Management, Oxford, UK, 10-11 April 2008.
- Lambert, Paul; Poschen, Meik; Warner, Guy (2011): Simulation Analysis of Ageing and Inequality. A 'Fringe workshop' (within the NeISS project) to the 'Social Stratification Research Seminar', University of Stirling, 31 August 2011. [download slides]
- Schiebeck, T.; Poschen, M.; Turner, M. (2011): JISC OneVRE Project: Creating a Secure Distribution Cross-Portlet for Sharing Electronic Documents. OneVRE Launch Event, Manchester, UK, 12 April 2011. [slides available here]
- Turner, M.; Rowley, A.; Le Blanc, A.; Schiebeck, T.; Poschen, M. (2009): Access Grid - Next Generation Video Conferencing Development Projects at the University of Manchester. vizNET/Research Computing/ESNW Event, Manchester, UK, 17 December 2009.
- Turner, M.; Cross, P.; Rogers, N.; Rowley, A.; Schiebeck, T.; Poschen, M. (2009): CREW - Collaborative Research Events on the Web: Extensions and Integration with Intute and the Access Grid/IOCOM. vizNET/Research Computing/ESNW Event, Manchester, UK, 17 December 2009.
- Voss, A.; Procter, R.; Halfpenny, P.; Asgari-Targhi, M.; Poschen, M.; Lin, S.C.; Yen, E. (2008): Mapping e-Social Science and Community Engagement. Workshop at the 4th International Conference on e-Social Science, Manchester, UK, 18-20 June 2008.
- Lin, Y.; Procter, R.; Poschen, M.; Gibson, R.; De Roure, D. (2008): Workshop on Research 2.0. 4th International Conference on e-Social Science, Manchester, UK, 18-20 June 2008.
- Voss, A.; Procter, R.; Lin, Y.; Poschen, M.; Lin, S.C.; Su, J.; Yen, E.; Shen, S.; Gentzsch, W.; Barjak, F.; Lane, J.; Robinson, S. (2007): Mapping Worldwide e-Social Science: National Comparisons of Uptake and Sustainability. Workshop at the 3rd International Conference on e-Social Science, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 7-9 October 2007.
- Voss, A.; Procter, R.; Poschen, M.; Rodden, T.; Olson, G.; Slack, R.; Hartswood, M.; Jirotka, M.; Carusi, A.; Budweg, S. (2007): Realising and Supporting Collaboration in e-Research. Workshop at the 10th ECSCW Conference, Limerick, Ireland, 24-28 September 2007.